Separated Bikeways
Separated Bikeways
The purpose of this report, developed by the ITE Pedestrian and Bicycle Council, is to present existing information about separated bikeways, consider the current and potential utility of separated bikeways in the United States and Canada, and promote the development of research statements for further investigation of the application, safety, and mobility performance of separated bikeways. Separated bikeways are one- or two-way exclusive bikeways parallel to the roadway yet physically separated from moving traffic by different vertical buffers. Separated bikeways are distinct from shared use paths, which are intended for bicycles and pedestrians. They also differ from bicycle lanes, which are on-street bicycle facilities separated from adjacent motor vehicles through the use of simple pavement markings and signage. This report does not address conventional bicycle lanes nor buffered bicycle lanes (conventional lanes with a designated buffer space between bicyclists and vehicles).

Specifically, this report:

  • Identifies some of the locations, designs, and operational attributes of separated bikeway facilities already constructed, including examples of European design practices;
  • Summarizes safety studies that have been conducted on these facilities, and
  • Presents the need for additional research that could assist in the development of guidelines and standards for the construction of these facilities where appropriate in the U.S. and Canada.
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