Design Guidelines Accomm Peds & Bikes @ Interchanges
Design Guidelines Accomm Peds & Bikes @ Interchanges
While some local and regional jurisdictions have recommended practices on interchange designs that accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists, currently there is not a collection of consensus best practices available in the United States or Canada. In response, the ITE Pedestrian and Bicycle Council initiated a series of interactive workshops over the course of three consecutive years from 2008 to 2010 to discuss interchange design issues and opportunities with regard to pedestrian and bicyclist safety and accommodation. The ITE Traffic Engineering Council served as a co-sponsor of these workshops. At the conclusion of the fourth debrief workshop, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Council Executive Committee made a decision to develop a report that would document the consensus recommendations from the workshops in an effort to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and accommodation at interchanges.

This ITE report compiles design guidelines for accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists at interchanges with respect to safety and accessibility. The guidelines identify specific dimensions, safety features, signage, pavement markings, design geometries, and other treatments. These best practices may provide insight into future updates of statewide or federal highway design manuals.
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