ParkGen6, The Office Bundle: 5 Licenses + 1 Print Edition
ParkGen6, The Office Bundle: 5 Licenses + 1 Print Edition
ITE Parking Generation, 6th Edition - The Office Bundle: 5 Licenses and 1 Print Edition

Special instructions related to accessing the digital version of the 6th Edition:

The print publication will not be delivered until the 2nd week in November

For every digital license purchased, you will receive an email with a unique license key, to either create one, single user account or upgrade your existing single user account at Emails will be sent from ITE Orders ( with the subject line ITE ParkGen6 License Key.

This new edition of the Parking Generation Manual enhances the 5th edition’s modernized content, data set, and contemporary delivery - making it an invaluable resource.

ITEParkGen web app improvements:

-Single click access to individual land use text and data plots pdfs,
-Calculate parking demand for: average rate; fitted curve; and 85th percentile,
-Complete pdf version of the Parking Generation Manual, 5th edition in the Support Documents folder.
Discounted member price: 895.00
You could save 40.1%