EVENT: Live Event – Methods for Prioritizing Pedestrian Improvements for School Walking Trips
DATE:   February 18, 2016
12-1:30 p.m. ET/11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. CT/10-11:30 a.m. MT/9- 10:30 p.m. PT
$100 ITE Member/$125 Non-member ** Sign-in (to your right) with your ITE Web account to register**
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Many jurisdiction are seeing increased attention on pedestrian accommodations. This attention translates into more funding, engineers facing the task of identifying the top needs of the community and how to meet them. Technical prioritization and detailed needs analyses have resulted in various low-cost improvements which in turn has inspired more funding for pedestrian improvements.
This webinar will demonstrate how engineers in Knox County, Tennessee partnered with the local school system and health departments to focus on the county highway system. This webinar was developed by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Standing Committee.
- Develop new prioritization metrics for school-area pedestrian improvements based on Knox County’s experience.
- Recognize the types of data required to produce walk trip estimates for school trips.
- Interpret walk trip estimate data and make recommendations for type and location of pedestrian improvements.
INSTRUCTOR: Jeff Hammond, P.E., Project Engineer, RPM Transportation Consultants, LLC., Nashville, TN, USA ; Liliana Burbano, Safe Routes to School Partnership Coordinator, Knox County Health Department, Knoxville, TN, USA; Cindy Pionke, P.E, Director of Planning and Development, Knox County Engineering and Public Works, Knoxville, TN, USA
TARGET AUDIENCE: Safe Routes to School coordinators,