Design and Safety of Pedestrian Facilities
Design and Safety of Pedestrian Facilities
This report was approved in June 1997 as a Recommended Practice of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. It supersedes the Proposed Recommended Practice, RP-026, dated December 1994, and discusses guidelines for the design and safety of pedestrian facilities to provide safe and efficient opportunities for people to walk near streets and highways. Chapters included are: Roadway Design Considerations; Pedestrians with Disabilities; Sidewalks and Paths; Pedestrian and Motorist Signing; Signalization; Crosswalks and Stop Lines; Pedestrian Refuge Islands; Pedestrian Barriers; Curb Parking Restrictions; Grade-Separated Crossings; School Practices; Neighborhood Traffic Control Measures; Pedestrian-Oriented Environments; Transit Stops; and Work Zone Pedestrian Safety.
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